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Tasks extraction

aka Checklist, TODO


Imagine you are writing an article and you have some checklist of what else you want to cover in the article.

- [ ] write about ...
- [ ] check that this is correct assumption ...
- [ ] add citation
# My article
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

On one hand it is convinient to keep this checklist in the article itslef. On the other hand you may want to see all tasks at glance. With the help of BrainDB it is possible to extract all tasks from all pages and list them on one page.


  1. Install BrainDB

  2. Create TaskList component

    import type { Task } from "@braindb/core";
    import { bdb } from "@lib/braindb.mjs";
    // TODO: shall I sort pages by title (alphabetically) or by date (recent first)?
    const grouped: Record<string, Task[]> = {};
    (await bdb.tasks()).forEach((task) => {
    const path = task.from().path();
    grouped[path] = grouped[path] || [];
    Object.values(grouped).map((tasks) => (
    <a href={tasks[0].from().url()}>{tasks[0].from().title()}</a>
    { => (
  3. Use component, wherever you like

    title: Tasks
    tableOfContents: false
    prev: false
    next: false
    import TaskList from "@components/TaskList.astro";
    <TaskList />


For now I implemented bare minimum for task extraction in BrainDB. Those are limitation which I want to address in the future.

Limitation 1: flat list

- [ ] task
- [x] sub-task

BrainDB will return this as a flat list instead of hierarchical structure:

- [ ] task
- [x] sub-task

Limitation 2: text only

- [ ] `code` **bold**

BrainDb can return markdown for the content of the task, but for now I didn’t figure out good way to render it with Astro. I use text insted:

- [ ] code bold

Limitation 3: no subitems

- [ ] task
- a
- b

For now BrainDb returns only content of the task, but not subitems:

- [ ] task


This is an example of <TaskList /> output 👇

Content graph visualization

Euler diagram

Faceted search

Icons for external links

Last modified time

Link previews

Social images autogenration

Pan and zoom for images

Table of contents

Tag list

Timelime diagram
