Tag list
Implementation in Starlight
componentsrc/components/TagList.astro ---import { getCollection } from "astro:content";const docs = await getCollection("docs");type Docs = typeof docs;const docsByTags = new Map<string, Docs>();docs.forEach((doc) => {if (doc.data.tags) {doc.data.tags.forEach((tag: string) => {docsByTags.set(tag, docsByTags.get(tag) || []);docsByTags.get(tag)?.push(doc);});}});const comparator = new Intl.Collator("en");const tagsSorted = [...docsByTags.keys()].sort(comparator.compare);---<ul>{tagsSorted.map((tag) => (<li>{tag} ({docsByTags.get(tag)?.length})<ul>{docsByTags.get(tag)?.map((doc) => (<li><a href={`/${doc.slug}`}>{doc.data.title}</a></li>))}</ul></li>))}</ul> -
Adjust content schema
src/content/config.ts import { z, defineCollection } from "astro:content";import { docsSchema, i18nSchema } from "@astrojs/starlight/schema";export const collections = {docs: defineCollection({schema: docsSchema({extend: z.object({tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(),}),}),}),i18n: defineCollection({ type: "data", schema: i18nSchema() }),}; -
Use component, wherever you like
---title: TagstableOfContents: falseprev: falsenext: false---import TagList from "@components/TagList.astro";<TagList />
See Tags.
Further improvements
- Page for each tag
- Metadata for tags (color, icon)
Tag page
From starlight-blog ↗:
- Tag Page ↗
- Tag-Related Functions ↗
Example ↗addIntegration({name: "starlight-blog-integration",hooks: {"astro:config:setup": ({ injectRoute, updateConfig }) => {injectRoute({entrypoint: "starlight-blog/routes/Tags.astro",pattern: "/blog/tags/[tag]",prerender: true,});},},});
Icons for tags
Each tag can have its own color or icon to help differentiate them visually. For example:
- #markdown
- #component
- #link
- #page
- #Astro
- #TypeScript