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Link previews

aka popover previews


First of all, we need a popover library, for example:

Then, we need to decide how to fetch content for the page. For example:

  • Fetch HTML and extract the header (h1) and content (.sl-markdown-content) with DOMParser.
  • Fetch HTML and extract metadata, such as OpenGraph tags, like title, description, and image.
  • Fetch a special JSON file (which needs to be generated upfront).


  1. Install dependencies

    Terminal window
    pnpm add @floating-ui/dom
  2. Add preview.ts

    import { computePosition, autoPlacement, offset } from "@floating-ui/dom";
    const tooltip = document.querySelector("#linkpreview") as HTMLElement;
    const elements = document.querySelectorAll(
    ".sl-markdown-content a"
    ) as NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>;
    // response may arrive after cursor left the link
    let currentHref: string;
    // it is anoying that preview shows up before user ends mouse movement
    // if cursor stays long enough above the link - consider it as intentional
    let showPreviewTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined;
    // if cursor moves out for a short period of time and comes back we should not hide preview
    // if cursor moves out from link to preview window we should we should not hide preview
    let hidePreviewTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined;
    function hideLinkPreview() {
    if (hidePreviewTimer !== undefined) return;
    hidePreviewTimer = setTimeout(() => {
    currentHref = ""; = "";
    hidePreviewTimer = undefined;
    }, 200);
    function clearTimers() {
    hidePreviewTimer = undefined;
    tooltip.addEventListener("mouseenter", clearTimers);
    tooltip.addEventListener("mouseleave", hideLinkPreview);
    async function showLinkPreview(e: MouseEvent | FocusEvent) {
    const start = `${window.location.protocol}//${}`;
    const target = as HTMLElement;
    const href = target?.closest("a")?.href || "";
    const hash = new URL(href).hash;
    const hrefWithoutAnchor = href.replace(hash, "");
    const locationWithoutAnchor = window.location.href.replace(
    currentHref = href;
    if (
    hrefWithoutAnchor === locationWithoutAnchor ||
    ) {
    const text = await fetch(href).then((x) => x.text());
    if (currentHref !== href) return;
    showPreviewTimer = setTimeout(() => {
    if (currentHref !== href) return;
    const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, "text/html");
    const content = (
    doc.querySelector(".sl-markdown-content") as HTMLElement
    tooltip.innerHTML = content; = "block";
    let offsetTop = 0;
    if (hash !== "") {
    const heading = tooltip.querySelector(hash) as HTMLElement | null;
    if (heading) offsetTop = heading.offsetTop;
    tooltip.scroll({ top: offsetTop, behavior: "instant" });
    computePosition(target, tooltip, {
    middleware: [offset(10), autoPlacement()],
    }).then(({ x, y }) => {
    Object.assign(, {
    left: `${x}px`,
    top: `${y}px`,
    }, 400);
    const events = [
    ["mouseenter", showLinkPreview],
    ["mouseleave", hideLinkPreview],
    ["focus", showLinkPreview],
    ["blur", hideLinkPreview],
    ] as const;
    Array.from(elements).forEach((element) => {
    events.forEach(([event, listener]) => {
    element.addEventListener(event, listener);
  3. Add LinkPreview component

    <div id="linkpreview" role="tooltip"></div>
    #linkpreview {
    display: none;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 400px;
    max-height: 400px;
    overflow: scroll;
    z-index: var(--sl-z-index-skiplink);
    border: 1px solid var(--sl-color-gray-5);
    border-radius: 0.5rem;
    padding: 1rem;
    box-shadow: var(--sl-shadow-md);
    color: var(--sl-color-text);
    background-color: var(--sl-color-bg);
    import "./preview.ts";
  4. Use LinkPreview component in the base layout

Starlight specific code

  1. Use LinkPreview component in the PageFrame

    import type { Props } from "@astrojs/starlight/props";
    import Default from "@astrojs/starlight/components/PageFrame.astro";
    import LinkPreview from "./LinkPreview.astro";
    <Default {...Astro.props}>
    <slot name="header" slot="header" />
    <slot name="sidebar" slot="sidebar" />
    <slot />
    <LinkPreview />
  2. Override PageFrame in Astro config

    export default defineConfig({
    integrations: [
    components: {
    PageFrame: "./src/components/PageFrame.astro",

Further improvements

  • Handle non-HTML links (images, PDFs)
  • Handle footnotes

Reference implementations