Graphviz diagram
Example taken here ↗
Graphviz ↗ is open-source graph visualization software. On one hand, it is a general diagramming tool, so it doesn’t have a DSL to directly express specific diagrams (let’s say a Hasse diagram or an ER diagram). On the other hand, if you don’t have a better solution, you can always bend Graphviz to create the desired diagram (though it can be tedious sometimes).
Install dependencies
Configure Astro. See note about Rehype Plugins for Code.
Optional install dependency for cache
Optional configure cache
Optional add pan and zoom for diagrams
Dark mode
Basic dark mode can be implemented with:
Plus, you can pass class
↗ to edges and nodes to implement advanced dark mode.
To remove background
To remove the background, use bgcolor="transparent"
Compare it to similar example in Mermaid.